Sunday, August 31, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Police raid concert place in south Stockholm

Swedish punkstage Cyklopen have been raided by police this morning. It is possible that it is related to the Anti nazi mamifestation later today in central Stockholm.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Martin Scorcese makes film about Ramones

THe Crunch, a band full of punklegends plays tonight

Tonight at 9pm   100SEK

The Crunch is a band full of people that been in the band that made punk History.
Terry Chimes - The Clash
Dave Tregunna - Sham 69
Mike Ceggus - Cockney Rejects

Together with Swedish rock stars like Sulo Karlsson - Diamond Dogs
Idde Schultz

Support act the exellent Swedish Skaband Skandalites


Monday, August 25, 2014

För vi litar inte på varandra längre.

Sorry this one is in swedish only

För att vi inte litar på varandra längre!

Varför kan en handfull Nazister som håller möte på ett torg i en sömnig överklass-stadsdel i utkanten av Malmö, skapa ett sådant rabalder att den för rasism hårt kritiserade Malmöpolisen att sända ut sina stormtrupper att skada den egna befolkningen på ett sällan skådat slag? Hur kommer det sig att det blev så viktigt att kväsa dessa nötter på yttersta högerkanten 2014 när den gamle fjanten Assar, som var Fuhrer på Tjörn en gång i tiden, snarare lockade till ett i löjets skimmer överseende skratt på 1970 talet?

Innan The Damned konserten i förra veckan satt vi över ett par öl och påpekade att punkikoner som Sid Vicious och Siuoxsie Sioux kom undan med svastikas på tröjor och armbindlar 1977, medan allt som ens refererar till någonting kring Tredjeriket får folkmassor att se rött idag. Låt oss backa bandet till de magiska punkåren runt 1977. För det första var Nazister något som var mer eller mindre förlöjligade i Tv, på film och som var de självklara skurkarna i vilken episod av serietidningarna i Bajonettserien eller Kapten Kloss, Pilot eller vilket seriealster som helst. På Tv skrattade man åt Benny Hills och Dave Allens stående Nazi inslag. Och vem av oss har inte vikit oss av garv till John Clease´s “Don´t mention the war” sketch i Fawlty Towers?
Nazister fanns liksom inte på riktigt.

Sedan hände något. Via Sham 69s förstörda konserter då engelska National Front bestämde sig för att alltid dyka upp och ställa till problem, så smög de sig in via den hårdföra genren Oi!. Något som Oi! aldrig helt har hämtat sig från och ständigt får kämpa för sin trovärdighet emot. När sedan Vit Makt och Blood n Honour tog över som nazigenren så fick Oi! en chans att återhämta sig något. Men bland punkare i regel är man inte alltid lika välkomnande till Oi! som med andra genres. Och jag gissar att SHARP-skins dagligen behöver försvara sig mot anklagelser som de inte känner igen sig i. 

Nittiotalet såg ett slagfält mellan politiserade punkgenres där både vänster och högerskolan kan ses som förlorare då den kommersiellt genomsyrade skatepunken blev stor, enormt stor. I princip helt avpolitiserad och iklädd märkeskläder var punken mer mainstream än någonsin.
Rasistiska partier var ej välkomna i det politiska finrummet. Visserligen fanns missnöjesyttringar med rasism i grunden med Ny Demokrati som höjdpunkt, men ändå väldigt marginaliserade.  Men något hade hänt till dess. Nazireferenserna i media var mer av det hånande slaget som utfördes av humorgäng som Killinggänget. Man hade inte längre sjuttiotalets lallande nazister som referens, utan en våldsam nazisekt att referera till. Och galningar i marginalen som Lasermannen. Men det var hanterbart.

Låt mig här skjuta in en lite egen iakttagelse i det vanliga livet, som inte har med partier att göra. I början av åttiotalet när jag började röra mig fritt i samhället var det ett ganska öppet samhälle. Dörren var öppen och möjligheter fanns. Det gällde bara att finna dem. Undan för undan stängdes mer och mer dörrar. I bland reagerade någon gammal övervintrad vänstertomte och gick till verbala attacker antingen på krogen, på någon kultursida eller som högskoleundervisande bitter stofil. De flesta skrattade lite trendigt ironiskt åt det och gick vidare med livet.

En efter en stängdes dörrarna. gissar att samhällets mest utsatta märkte detta först. Långsamt märkte jag det. Mellan 1992-99 vågar jag påstå att något hände.  Något som inte gick att reparera. Dörrar stängdes, för fler. Gamla vänner ställde ett hoper outtalade borgerliga krav för umgänget. Själv hoppade jag av från det umgänget. Andra gjorde det inte. Men vi gled isär. IT bubblan med sin sällan skådade girighet är väl inget folk vill minnas numer. Men då hände något. Och det var i den tiden Jimmie Åkesson bestämde sig för att gå in i det öppet ny-Nazistiska partiet Sverigedemokraterna för att skaffa sig makt.
Runt och efter mileniumskiftet händer således en räcka förändringar även i de obskyra subkulturerna och inom avant gardet. Så länge jag har haft ett medvetande har jag dragits till subkulturer. Ibland som åskådare, ibland som utövare och ibland som en förgrundsfigur. De som känner igen mig sedan länge har stött på mig i diverse obskyra sammanhang. Everywhere there´s a freakshow you might see me there, brukade jag skoja. Så jag har en del intryck att falla tillbaka på. Och jag hävdar att öppenheten och glädjen i subkulturerna blev mer och mer reglerade av mer eller mindre outtalade regler. Bikergäng, supporterklubbar och annat blev en slutnare krets. Och i dess kölvatten ökade avståndet mellan grupper.
11 September, George W Bush slog sedan sönder tilliten som ändå fanns. I det kölvattnet kunde sedan Sverigedemokraterna navigera.
När sedan regeringen Reinfeldt får makten och börjar montera ner den gemensamma välfärden då har Sverigedemokraterna ett öppet läge.

För att det är så, hävdar jag, att när svaga grupper pekas ut som samhällsparasiter, de arbetslösa, de arbetsskygga, de sjukskrivna, fuskarna, knarkarna etc, då följer snart fler utpekanden, misstänkliggöranden.   

Dock har en annan utveckling startats parallellt med högerpopulismen, HBTQ och feminism har vuxit sig starkare. Att att jämföra dagens situation för HBTQ personer i det politiska finrummet och samhället med den skräck, förnedring och liv i smyg alla dessa normavvikande personer levde är som att jämföra Inkvisitionen med Roskildefestivalen. Trots ett visst motstånd från visst religiöst håll så vann Priderörelsen stort och på knock. Feminismen har inte haft samma medvind, men är ändå, kanske pga Gudrun Schyman, inte i skuggan av debatten. Och procentuellt sett är det fler människor i dessa humanistiskt drivna rörelser än vad de andra samlar. Prideparaden är en av Sveriges i särklass största folksamlingar, både på deltagar som på åskådarsidan. Speciellt när ett dussin Nynazister håller tal i Limhamn en helg i augusti, blir skillnaden markant.

Så vad är det då som gör att vi reagerar så starkt? Jo, vi litar inte på varandra längre. Sverigedemokraternas största skadeverkan på det goda samhället är inte den rasistiskt drivna politik de aldrig får gehör för i omröstningar, för som politiskt parti är de helt misslyckade. Utan för den misstro mellan oss andra de lyckas så. En sådd som är svår att göra sig fri från. Vi ser på varandra med oblida ögon, vi passar på varandra, vi litar inte på varandra. Punkare emellan, inom släkt och familjer, på arbetsplatsen. Det finns där i skuggorna hela tiden. Misstron.

Och det är ondskan i det hela, att vi inte litar på varandra.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Henry Rollings ask the dead Robin Williams for an apology

Henry Rolling are sorry for being an asshole!

Malmö Cops Are Bastards

Malmö policeforce did run over anti Nazi protesters with horses and armored cars.
Remember the tank in China some decades ago....this was not the case here.

A Punk Kick aimed at the Swedish Rightwing Government

Mathias Alkberg from the northers town of Luleå releases an anti right wing government record less than a month before the swedish election.
An the gravitation of media interest and power to the capital Stockholm and southern part of the country in general.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Damned, The Baboon Show at Debaser live review

Let´s be honest about it, I never liked the Damned, except that 1981 hit “Disco Man” about 1979s disco era.
And claim that that is still the case.
Some people tried to change that, and thats why I went to see them (for free) when they visited the capital of Sweden.

The Place
Debaser Medis
One of the better stages in town. Most people have a good view of the band, and the sound is often close to perfect. Not tonight however.
But one single thing sucks at the place at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm. The bar service, must be the one of the worse in northern Europe. It have always been like that and will always be that way. Its a parody of arrogance and incompetence by the boys and girls behind the bar.

The Baboon Show

The Baboon Show

I have heard alot about them, and from the record to judge they are a good band.  The soundmixing didn´t help them to live up to that, and I can´t tell if it was the support band factor or the band itself to blame for that. But there is my negativity comming to an end. The show, the energy and songs themself was brilliant. It was really the Baboon Show going on. With the outacting female singer being everywhere at once in a way mostly male singers like Pelle of the Hives, UCP´s Ebbot and a bit of Iggy Pop made their trademark. Pattie Smith is the closest female singer to compare it with, at least physical. Her voice doesn´t have any similarities with Smith however. She was backed up by a band that support her wild stage style with some of it as well. Their best song was "You got a problem..." and live it was a highlight, even if they did a good job in the other tunes as well. I liked what I saw.

Then I could really go home. and I wished I did.

The Damned

My problem with the Damned is that I don´t think they were really into punk at all in the first place. It just happened and they jumped on the wagon. Until they could be fore runners into the Goth genre. I found them too theatrical to be a punkband of class. In the Goth genres that is an advantage. But with songs like Eloise they really expose themself as an ordinary popband not too far from Wham.

In this gig I felt, and my girlfriend that was the Damned expert to help me out that night and my checking point, after few songs that the goth thing was history. Insted they landed in a nomansland of nostalgia and entertainment played by a bunch of very old and tired men. This was the “flogging a dead horse” that punk once reacted against. The punk factor was long gone, and so seems the goth factor, the music ended up in a middle of nowhere. If Styx and Yes* was the support act then I maybee could sense some punk in it. But now I can´t. I can mention a list of bands that covers “New Rose” better than the original band does. It was all that horrible that I ever feared that punk one day would come to. Lazy, a bit too slow, a bit too comfortable to convince. After Baboon Show they look like a bunch af pensionists on an annual trip.
Like my lady put it, “Once Dave was a gorgeous and sexy goth man, now he is just…eh… sad and old”.
And Captain Sensible can secure come out of the closet as a tranny now, it is 2014 and there is Pride festivals everywhere, so it is allright.

I went for free, but if I ever paid 300SEK for this I might question my sanity.

*In Gothenburg Troublemakers was supporting them and blew the Damned off stage I heard.

Gula villan celebration Ultrahuset 35years (concert review)

The Event and Location

Once upon a time there was an old house, in a suburb far far away, a house that was the no1 melting pot for Swedish punk. That house was Ultrahuset in the suburb of Handen.
When big brother evicted the house in order to close it down, the punks themself torched the place to the ground.

And the bands and meltingpot moved into the City of Stockholm and the island of Södermalm. At the place Kafé 44an. But places as Birkagården, Tre backar and Vitahuset had its share of punk as well. And Gula villan kept the legacy of Ultrahuset alive in Handen at Gula villan.

So when Ultrahuset was to be celebrated as 35 years old. Gula villan was the place to do it. However the selection of bands was contemporary more than nostalgic. And in a way I found that to be a good thing. A provisional stage outside the yellow little house was set up. And picnicing families, beer drinking punks and some curious in general was the crowd.

Thanks to our lousy managed commuter train traffic I arrived 1 1/2 hours later than expected so I missed a few bands.


Parkförvaltningen have its origin in this muncipaly of Västerhaninge where Handen is placed on the map. And plays a mixture of Indie, pop and Progg rock (the Swedish way).
With dark lyrics from the torn part of big city life. At Gula villan they where in their right elements. Tight, brutally honest and full of lifevisdom. A great gig. The best of them I´ve seen soo far.



Did their best gig I´ve seen. All the everyday frustration and bitterness, that almost destroyed the band some month ago, were poured into their songs. A musical and verbal attack on the piss ants that wanna bully people around. Elins high pitch voice was a crystal sharp edge that cut through the woods and six storey building houses that surrounds Gula villan.
Since the one week break up they been working on new material and recordings and I think they matured as a band. The 12 year old punks seemed to react on the music in a positiv manner.


Did one song without their singer Linus, that was away. A taste of the new record and they never been better. Tight, agressive and heavier than before.



Dödsbabs is a mixture of old Swedish leftist Proggrock (Spelled with two gg´s and have very little in common with that single g prog), and Sex Pistols sounding punk. Slower that Spotlicks, and in many ways darker and heavier. Even those guys did their best gig I´ve seen. If Spotlicks wanna see the light in the tunnel, Dödsbabs live in eternal darkness. Songs about beeing on the bottle, beeing so poor that you only have the choise to be shoplifting, and the cover "Snutbil” (Cop Car) wasn´t really positive thinking. Heavy and tight!


Is a bit younger than Dödsbabs. And not in the same part on the punk map as Dödsbas and Spotlick. Here my interest decreased pretty fast. It is possible that they havn´t been better, like the rest of the bands. But I couln´t manage to pay enough interest. I didn´t get it at all. And I strayed away from the stage and had a chat with people in the suroundings.



Michael Alonzo´s old band Stockholms Negrer should have had a reunion as the main event at this celebration, but Blondie Dostojewski wasn´t on that frequenzy so Michael Alonzo said “Sod it!”, Alonzo play instead. Actually Im glad they did. The night was magical. With guests like Poppe Schubert, bass player in Stockholms Negrer, Dadde Stark (Asta Kask), and members from Psykbryt, Östermalm and the crowd they turned the August night into an unforgettable night. Old KSMB tunes that is pretty much in all Swedes DNA, Stockholms Negrer classics that made the crowd happy and new Alonzo tunes. A brand new song even, “Tommy han var Gay” or whatever the name was. I wished that moment never ended. This was the concert I missed at Manu Chao the night before. This was the KSMB, Stockholm Negrer gig I always wanted to witness.

Entrance was pretty much whatever you liked to pay….just in the spirit Ultrahuset once did it.
One of the top events of the year so far.

Manu Chao live at Stockholm (Concert Review)



The Event, Place and Crowd

A Manu Chao concert was a concert I waited for a long time to see. And Friday Aug 15 was the date it came to be.
But the weeks works have drained all of my energy so I wasn´t sure that I was going until I decided that I will regret it if I didn´t went for a long time.
To make things worse the sky opened itself and both Thor and Zeus and all their fellow thungergods was working on the the dark clouds with flash and thunder and a pouring rain.
This was an outdoor concert just outside the Royal Operahouse of Stockholm. The crowd was a mixture of all origins and social classes in the society. And they were there to party with Manu Chao.

The Concert
Anyway I want downtown to see if there was going to be any gig. A half an hour late the Spannish singing frenchman entered the stage with his band and the crowd went beserk from the first bar. The moshpit was as the size that Rancid had in the West Cost Riot two years ago, through the whole set. This could been the concert of concerts if the soundmen didn´t had a word in it. The sound was lousy from the start to finish. And that was a pity. On the other side, the crowd sang every song loud like they written it themself. Manu projected energy to the big crowd, and it bounced back from the happy dancing, singing audience to the stage and increased the energy. The rain didn´t bother anyone, the lousy sound was no problem, just joy. The songs was long and often played as medleys. Often did it started slow to end up in a fast D-beat ska or something….you know the way Manu Chao does it. Most of the times the band let the crowd be a part of the songs with Whohu chanting passages in the medleys.

Over all it was great but not that great. Besides the bad sound and the rain there was one more thing that made it less great than i could been. The short versions of the older classic songs like Bongo Bong for instance.

Worth the effort? (The concert was free of entrance, paid by us taxpayers)? Yes, this is what I think my taxmoney could be spent on, not corrupt politicians.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

RIP Billy Rath of the Heartbreakers

Billy Rath, bass player in the legendary “Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers” that was the link between NY Dolls and 77 punk as well one of the first vawe of punk bands, is dead after a period of illness..

billy rath

Psykbryt – Ursäkta röran - vi river allt (Album Review)

psykbryt cdPsykbryt – Ursäkta röran - vi river all (Swe)
                                              (2014) CD/Spotify
                                              Review from listening to the CD

Psykbryt have developed a great deal the last 2 years I followed them and from the date they released their debute “…och ingen brydde sig ett jota”. From being hyped too early in the mainstream press there have been a certain pressure to live up to it. And for a brief moment I doubt that would manage. But the lads seemed humble enough to understand that it is hard work to gain the qualities that makes a good or even a great band. From being a charming young band they have evolved to a band to be taken serious. Not least with this release, “Ursäkta röran - vi river allt”. In many ways this is the record I wished Asta Kask released last year. Raw back to basic street punk with all of Asta Kask style of singalong chorus, and a bit of Dropkick Murphys, without being copies of those great bands. Infact, they lyrically have moved a far away from the conteporary punk cliches and fantasy Clockwork Orange worlds that is a bit of trap for young bands.

Psykbryt words are more in the tradition of Carl Mikael Bellman and Cornelis Vreswijk. Lyrics that describes and look into the torn side of life. “Sunkhak” is a lyrics that I can agree on every word to the max.
”Smakar skit” is a funny song about a young man that realize he didn´t liked Guniess beer after all and that he have  been living in a lie.
Unlike many others that glorify being drunk at the pub, they tell dark stories about the destructive ways of male alcohol fuled agressions and clichés, often with a bit of humor and a naked honesty that is refreshing. Lyrics about being losers and being satisfied with that, however the lyrics are never so dark and full of hoplessness as Ligisternas lyrics for instance. “Arbetar Klas” is a Johnny Cashish story that is both dark and humoristic. Besides that they are classic punk angry in songs like “Förnedrings-TV” that every punk record should contain. The sound is heavy and with rich guitars, fitting for the songs, distorted well played bass, very dynamic drumming that ad energy to the songs etc.  The only negative thing is that the lyrics are a bit hard to hear sometimes when they are drown in guitars, but the CD booklet sorts that problem out.

Psykbryt have with this album showed that they have learned the craftmanship of punk rock, and from that, they can be whatever they want.

Who should buy this record? All young swedish punks should own a copy. And all the lard asses that claims that punk was better in the past should lend an ear to it. 
The record grow for every track and invites me to listen further. and I feel like forgetting their debute record, because this is a huge step forward.  And a serious contender for the best album 2014.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Gula Villa Festival

The 35 years aniversary of of Swedens most legendary punk stages.
Kafé 44 and Gula Villan are pretty much the places that continued the legacy of Ultrahuset, not least as the Tompa Eken been involved in it all.

Some old, some new band will perform...


Friday, August 15, 2014

Swedish Compilation CD


CD Sigourney Records
Asta Kask - En annan väg
Misconduct - Solution
Lastkaj 14 - Allting rasar
Alonzo & Fas 3 - Touch the screen
The Headlines - Inside
KKPA - Lagboken
Stiltje - Ett tusen liv
Skumdum - Waste my time
Asta Kask - Jag är en idiot
Misconduct - Closer
Lastkaj 14 - Drasuten
Alonzo & Fas 3 - Ett meningsfullt liv
The Headlines - Wake up
KKPA - Brev till mor
Stiltje - Till alla idioter
Skumdum - Goodbye
Strebers - Kärleksmissiler



Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Alonzo explains why Stockholm Negrer not will play on Saturday.

From Michael Alonzos Facebook page.....Sorry in Swedish only

"Kära vänner. Vi hade planerat att göra en 1) installation med STHLM NGR. Denna måste dessvärre ställas in då Blondie Dostojevskij först tackat ja till återföreningen för att i sista sekund komma med idiotkravet att han skulle få spela några av hans egna nya låtar??? Och som om inte detta var konstigt nog vägrade miffot dessutom att spela om det inte var original uppsättningen som stod på scenen?? Detta är ett krav vi inte kan tillmötesgå då T. Ex. Totte är död. Tråkigt. Jag och de andra hade verkligen sett fram emot detta. Ber om ursäkt för att vi beter oss som riktiga idioter. Det får bli en annan gång utan Blondie. Förlåt",

Fuck Frankie - Cunt

Fuck Frankie - CUNT
From the 6 track Album "Fuck Frankie" (2012)


Stockholm Nergrer canceld Alonzo will replace

Michel Alonzor successfull 80-90ies band were supposed to play at the punk place Gula Villans 35 years anniversary. But canceld for reasons unknown, Micke Alonzo´s contemporary band Alonzo will replace, and that isn´t too bad. Alonzo is in their prime at the moment and this will be great ad well, not to mention all the other bands. Great lineup!


Monday, August 11, 2014

Jävla Skitliv! A documentary about Swedish Contemporary Punk

1,2 Fuck You Punk Revue is a product of making this punk documentation...But the blog slowly start living it´s own life.

The  film however is after almost 2 years taking the next step....the interviews.....
all in Swedish.....a subtitled in English version is planned as well.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Teddybears STHLM in primetime TV protest

Swedish band Teddybears STHLM played in primetime Tv dressed in T-Shirts with the text SD=Rasister. Stating that the party Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats) = Racists and Palistinian scarfs. All as a manifistation against the racist based party and as a support to the Palestinian people of Gaza.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Finnegan's Hell - Drunk, Sick And Blue

Finnegan´s Hell - Drunk Sick And Blue (Swe)
 A single from the Album "Drunk, Sick And Blue" (2014)


Strindberg Som Tortyr - Jag vill ha mer

Strindberg Som Tortyr - Jag Vill Ha Mer (Swe)
From the Album "Bagarmossen" (2014)


Makabert Fynd Dold politisk agenda

Makabert Fynd - Dold politisk agenda (Swe)
From the Album "Järnrörsromantik" (2014)


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Psykbryt - Masspsykos

Psykbryt - Masspsykos (Swe)
From the Album "Ursäkta röran vi river allt" (2014)
